Rizal Pest Management (M) Sdn. Bhd. (1299742-P)


  • Wasps and bees are beneficial insects, although they are generally considered to be pests because of their ability to sting.
  • These insects are beneficial in their activities, particularly as predators of pest insects and as pollinators.
  • It is important to distinguish between these insects because different methods may be necessary to control them if they become a nuisance:-
    – Wasps appear smoothed-skinned and shiny.
    – Bees are fuzzy and more robust in appearance.
    – Wasps are predators, feeding insects and other arthropods to their young.
    – Bees feed on nectar and pollen from flowers.
    – Wasps build nests out of a papery material. Wasps may nest in the ground, in trees and shrubs, under horizontal surfaces such as eaves, and in buildings where they occupy wall voids and similar spaces.
    – Bees build combs made of wax.

Bees & Wasps Management

1. Residual Spraying

  • Colonies of these social insects can be controlled by treating the nest directly with insecticide liquid or smoke.
  • The best time to control stinging insects is after dark when foraging adults have returned to their nests.
  • Late evening or early morning treatments are preferred since these insects are generally less active at cooler temperatures.
  • When preparing to treat for stinging insects, always wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants tied at the ankles, socks and shoes. A hat covered with netting to protect the face and gloves to protect the hands and wrists also are recommended.
  • If a flashlight is used, cover the lens with red cellophane wrap. Insects do not see well in red light and will not be attracted to the light.
  • Nest may be covered with plastic and insecticide be introduced to the confined space.
  • Upon removal of the nest, the nest should be burned in case of any survivors.